This project aimed to develop, implement and test an indipendent plattform for the teaching material of the “Prototyping Project” course. The main objective is the teaching of the “Robot Operating System” (ROS) framework, which is a very powerful system for implementing and developing own robot solutions and/or construction processes. The ROS framework is very well known to be hard and complex even for simple robotic solutions. Even the installation represents a problem, since ROS is very sensible to the hardware and to the underlying operative system.
For this reason, this project aimed to the development of an indipendent plattform, where any student can start working with a working and mantained ROS version. Many introductory videos (from refreshing Python knownledges to ROS teaching lessons) help students to understand and to move the first steps in the ROS ecosystem, following the students until the projectend over the whole semester. Besides ROS the reusability and the modularization of the proposed solution allow for implementing more courses about different topics in the same plattform without any effort.
Duration of the Project
Oktober 2022 until November 2023
D. Picchi (, Sven Stumm ( and Zhao Zhongqian
You can find more informations here on our website: http://localhost:1313/elearning/learning_ros/